Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Class Evaluation

Class Evaluation
  1.  From this class, I liked that I got to learn new things about computers, internet, etc that I never knew I would learn about.
  2. I did not like from the class that we did not do as much "hands on" learning. I would have liked to code more instead of a paper supplement. Also, I did not like that a lot of times we were researching scientific innovations. Although interesting to learn about, I feel that class time could have been more focused on the course material so we could understand it more.
  3. Some recommendations for the class would be maybe to research more websites that would allow us to do some experimentation on coding or whatever it is we are learning at the time. Also I would suggest to reroute more class time into mastering the course material.
  4.  A highlight for this class would have to be when went into groups and figured out how to transmit data with simple supplies you handed us.
  5. I really did my best in this class.
  6. I am making sure that I will pass that AP test.
  7. I have not been reading and reporting my Life Planning Goals Journal daily for this month. The stress of finals has pushed that out of the way in my head.
  8. I am committed to being a CTR/Arete person. It is not that I am constantly telling myself to be a CTR/Arete person frequently, but it is the fact that I constantly strive to be the best version of myself that makes me a CTR/Arete person.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Computer Science Innovation prt9

Computer Science Innovation prt9
  • The innovation I am writing about is that scientists are discovering that diamonds can store vast amounts of data. They haven't found a way to utilize the diamond in this way, but have found that it is entirely possible.
  • The impact of this would be towards anyone who can afford a diamond. Also, this will impact the way we store data, it is theorized by Siddharth Dhomkar, a physicist at the City College of New York, that "The storage density of such an optimized diamond chip would then be far greater than [that of] a conventional hard disk drive,"
  • The problems that this would solve is the issue that we haven't figured out how to store so much data in such a tiny space.
  • I think this is an interesting innovation that mixes functionality with style.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Internet Innovation

Internet Innovations
  • The internet innovation I chose to write about is VoIP (voice over internet protocol), or more specifically, Skype. Skype is a web application that allows you to make free calls to anywhere around the world, and with many features that would usually charge such as caller ID, call waiting, and conference calling all built in.
  • Skype and VoIP impacts millions of people all around the world. Anyone who has access to a phone or computer and internet can acquire this excellent application.
  • The problems solved by VoIP is long distance communication at a low/free cost. Using VoIP apps such as Skype allows users to be able to access all the features of of a regular phone at a  free cost.
  • I think this innovation is amazing and I am definitely grateful for it. 

Monday, October 17, 2016

Computer Science Innovations prt8

Computer Science Innovations prt8
  • The innovation I decided to talk about is a new charm bracelet that teaches girls how to code. Jewelbots are small woven bracelets with plastic flower charms that contain LED lights and a bluetooth inside. The user can download a phone app that syncs with the bracelet and set when and what color the bracelet lights up as well as when to vibrate. By using rudimentary code, the wearer can program the bracelet to react up to anything.
  • This bracelet will impact anyone who chooses to wear it, but the main demographic is young girls.
  • By young girls using the bracelet and learning the foundations of coding, this will usher in a new era of women who know how to and enjoy coding.
  • I think this is a neat innovation that will definitely impact some people's lives. I wish that I had this technology as a child so that I could have understood coding easier and at a young age. 

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Ben Carson

Ben Carson
  • Carson was the director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at John Hopkins Hospital in Maryland from 1984 until his retirement in 2013. Carson has achieved many great things such as the first and only successful surgery on Siamese twins joined at the back of the head,  pioneering the first successful neurosurgical procedure on a fetus inside the womb, performing the first completely successful separation of type-2 vertical craniopagus twinsdeveloping new methods to treat brain-stem tumors and reviving hemispherectomy techniques for controlling. He also ran for president for this election but decided that he didn't see "not see a political path forward".
  • His excellence was achieved through vast studying and practice. Carson has graduated from Yale University and the University of Michigan Medical School, and has written multiple books.
  • Technology has impacted Carson through many ways. For one, as a surgeon you need specific tools to use, and, without those tools being made and manufactured by machines, he wouldn't be able to perform. Also, Carson owes some of his fame to technology; without his books and his movie that both require technology to be made and distributed, he wouldn't have been so famous.
Reflection: I think that Carson is an excellent example of an "Arete Excellence". Even though his recent political views and recent comments towards the current republican nominee, Trump, are less than admirable, his excellence and skill are certainly admirable and astonishing.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Computer Science Innovations prt7

Computer Science Innovations
  • The innovation I chose to write about today is new shape shifting materials that would allow for implants to morph over controlled periods of time.
  • This innovation can impact those are in need of implants.
  • the problems this innovation would solve is the issue of invasive treatment. With these new shape shifting materials procedures for implants would be noninvasive and much easier to perform.
  • I think this innovation is a nifty one because its purpose is to make surgeries and treatment easier on patients and the doctors performing the task. Also, this innovation would be able to revolutionize the art world by creating such things like statues that move with ease.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Computer Science Innovations prt6

  • The innovation I chose to write about was a new sleek and convenient design to the inhaler called the "Bloom" design. It resembles a credit card and fits in the palm of your hand.
  • This design will impact anyone with asthma, wether it be long term or short term.
  • The problems that this design will resolve is the issue that having such a bulky design for an inhaler would make it inconvenient to carry it around, but with the new design people will be more inclined to carry it with them and possible save their own life one day.
  • I think this is a neat innovation. As someone who has asthma, I can relate to how it is inconvenient to carry around my inhaler when it is so bulky, but with a sleeker design I would be more inclined to bring it with me at all times.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

The Internet Giveaway

The Internet GIveaway
After researching "The Internet Giveaway" I still do not understand exactly what it means but judging from the user comments on different articles, conservatives hate it. Apparetnly, judging from the conservative's comments, I see that the reason they don't like it is because they don't want the internet to be "controlled" by Russians and Muslims. Apparently, the Internet Giveaway already happened on October 1st so I suppose theres no reason to complain or get too worked up about it because it already happened. I think, but I am not sure, that the internet giveaway is going to make it so that other nations have more control over the internet than just only America having full control.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Roger Bannister

Roger Bannister

  • Bannister was the first person to run the first sub-four-minute mile, as well as being a physician and academic. He achieved this feat on May 6th 1954 in Oxford. His actual time was 3 minutes and 59.4 seconds.
  • Well in this specific instance, Bannister had minimal training and had focused most of his energies on his becoming a doctor.
  •  The technology that must have helped him achieve his goal would have been the technology to tell and record time for when he trained.

Reflection: I think that Bannister’s achievement is a pretty amazing one because he didn’t train all that much and was still able to set the record that he did.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Computer Science Innovations Prt5

Computer Science Innovations Prt5

  •                 The innovation I have researched is the slowly growing technology of teleportation.  Scientist is able to teleport information and even electrons from one location to another. This couldn’t have been done without the continuous study of quantum physics.
  •                 When this technology finally grows large enough to be able to transport objects, and even humans, the technology will help the world in regards to transportation.
  •                 This technology will solve modern transportation being able to send someone from one location to another in seconds.
  •                 I think that this innovation is fantastic and I can’t wait until it teleportation becomes a reality.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Computer Science Innovations prt4

Computer Science Innovations Prt4

  • The innovation I found was an electric bus that can travel 350 miles on one single charge. The bus, titled the Catalyst E2 Series electric vehicle, is a zero emission vehicle and on one charge it’s estimated that the bus can get through one entire day’s job without needed to recharge again.
  • This innovation would impact everyone relying on busses for transportation, and quite frankly the entire world would benefit from its zero emission.
  • The problems it might solve are the issues of greenhouse gases and pollution, as well as creating cheaper modes of fuel for the busses.
  • I think this is a great innovation and I hope that this electric bus becomes the norm for the country, and hopefully the world.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Nathan Sawaya

Nathan Sawaya

  1. The excellence achieved by Sawaya is that he is a world famous LEGO artist. He is the only person to be recognized as both a LEGO Master Builder and a LEGO Certified Professional.
  2. Sawaya’s excellence was achieved by practicing his master craft and being determined to do only LEGO art.
  3. Technology impacted Sawaya because without the technology to create, package, and ship LEGOs he would have never discovered LEGOs in the first place.

Reflection: I think that this example of Sawaya’s excellence is a perfect way to show that anything is possible and with skill and luck you can become very successful doing something you love.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Computer Science Innovation prt3

Computer Science Innovations prt3

1)      Gumby Robots are new 3d printed devices that are soft and bendable robots that are able to snap back to their original shape when heated. These Gumby Robots are planned to be a big advancements to Origami Robots or medicine delivery robots.
2)      These Gumby Bots would be able to help many because of its various possible uses.
3)      They could solve various problems such as helping with medicine delivery to patients, or delicate operations that require small robots and movements, or solar panel technology since they can sense and react to heat. The possibilities are endless.

4)      I think this innovation is incredible and will hopefully be able to help many because these Gumby Robots are brilliant.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Blown to Bits Chapter 3 Summary

Blown to Bits Chapter 3 Summary
This chapter focuses mainly on the hidden information within various documents and files inside a computer. The chapter talks about how these hidden information can harm us or help us. It gave examples of mistakes companies and government agencies have made because of their ignorance towards the hidden information of these documents or files. The chapter also talks about how files are just bits and any letter, symbols, pixel, etc. is just a binary string. The chapter also talks about how the binary strings are interpreted and how one string of binary digits can mean something completely different if interpreted in a different way.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Alex Hattori

Alex Hattori
  1. Hattori is a yo-yo champion at the young age 12 back in 2010. Since then he has won more contests and owns a line of yo-yos that sell up to $107.
  2. His excellence was achieved through hard practice and diligence. Training and dedication must have been a big part of his career.
  3.  Technology has impacted him because without video sharing sites and news sites, he wouldn’t have gotten so popular.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Blown to BIts Ch2 Summary

Blown to Bits Ch2 Summary

          The Chapter mostly compared today’s electronic culture to George Orwell’s !984. The chapter talked about how we as a society have willingly given up our privacy and freedoms, but in order to help us make life easier. The chapter heavily focuses on how the technologies that take away our freedoms also benefit us with everyday situations as well as some extreme situations such as bombings or terrorist attacks.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Computer Science Innovations pt2

Computer Science Innovation pt2

A)     The innovation I researched is 3D printed prosthetics. 3D printed prosthetics are just like regular prosthetics but they are 3d printed. The program to create them was created by a man named Ivan Owen who had posted a video of a mechanical hand he built for a cosplay. This gained attention from a man in Africa who had lost his fingers in a woodworking accident. With his help, Owen was able to create a prosthetic from his 3D printer. A while after he created a group of 100 people called e-NABLE in which he shared the blueprints for his prosthetics in a Google+ chat.
B)      This will impact anyone in need of prosthetics, especially those who can’t afford the ones made commercially.
C)      These prosthetics are way cheaper to make than the ones that are otherwise sold by companies.  Without Owen, prosthetics would cost nearly thousands of dollars, but now you can build one for a mere hundreds of dollars.

D)     I think this is an amazing innovation and I am so glad it will help those in need who couldn’t afford it prior. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Carl and Margaret Karcher

Carl and Margaret Karcher

  1. Carl and Margaret Karcher are the co-founders of the popular chain restaurant Carl’s Jr.
  2. They were able to achieve this by opening a hot dog/tamale stand and soon enough they opened their own restaurant in Anaheim. With perseverance and dedication they were able to quickly expand their business into the conglomerate it is today.
  3.  Technology could have impacted them and their business because of advertisement. Once televised advertisements were invented, that would have significantly boosted the number of customers and made their company a big success.
Reflection: I think this is a fine example of excellency and what I can learn from these two is hard work and dedication can amount to amazing possibilities.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Social Networks

Social Networks
A. Social Networking is described by Google as “the use of dedicated websites and applications to interact with other users, or to find people with similar interests to oneself.” Social Networks are basically used to express yourself and meet and interact with new people.
B. Social Networks impact almost everyone who has internet and/or a cell phone. Social Networks are available to  almost anyone, no matter what age or social status.
C. Social Networking solves the issue of (almost) free long distance messaging. As long as you have internet and a phone or computer, you can easily contact anyone that has the same social network as you. Social Networking also makes it easy to express yourself, whether it be your individuality or your political views.

D. I think social networking is an excellent innovation because of its convenience and revolutionary effect. Almost everyone, even companies, have social network accounts and it is an excellent source of fun, information, and creativity.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Mia Hamm

Mia Hamm

1.       Mia Hamm was a successful and famous soccer player. She has won many awards and championships, even a few Olympic medals. Hamm is also the author of the book Go For the Goal: A Champion's Guide to Winning in Soccer and Life. She has also appeared in the HBO documentary Dare to Dream: The Story of the U.S. Women's Soccer Team.
2.       Hamm was born with a club foot, but despite that she was able to accomplish so much. The reason is that she wore corrective shoes and persevered to excel.
3.       Technology might’ve impacted Hamm’s life in various ways. One way is the technology used to create her corrective shoes. The machines and such that created her shoes impacted her life forever so that she could become an amazing soccer player.

Reflection: I believe that Hamm’s excellence and perseverance is completely admirable and her success is astonishing. One thing I could learn from her is to persevere. She persevered to become a wonderful athlete, despite her club foot and the challenges she faced being a woman in the sports community.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Luke Aikins

Luke Aikins

  •        Luke Aikins is a famous skydiver, BASE jumper, pilot, and aerial photographer. He has done many incredible stunts as well as being the first person to dive from mid-tropospheric altitude without a parachute, which also makes him the second skydiver to land without a parachute. He is also holds the record for highest jump without a parachute.
  •          Aikins has been skydiving since he was 12 years old, and has only gotten better and better. Aikins has coached for the United States Navy SEALS and NASCAR’s Brian Vickers. Aikins has also advised the military on skydiving techniques.
  •         Technology could have impacted Aikins in several ways. He would have needed to use several technologies that are used when skydiving such as automatic aviation devices, reserve static lines, main assisted reserve deployment system, digital and audible altimeters, and/or ram air parachutes.

Reflection:  Luke Aikins has achieved much in the skydiving world with more than 18000 jumps and I hope we get to see more of his incredible stunts. I think that the lesson you can learn from Aikins is that if you want to accomplish something extraordinary you need to practice for it, especially if it’s dangerous. Aikins has been skydiving for almost 30 years of his life and it definitely lead up to his record breaking stunts, but he wouldn’t have broken records unless he had been training for all this time.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Marvin Goldstein

Marvin Goldstein

  • Marvin Goldstein is a famous pianist and performer. He has performed in many countries and for many special occasions.
  • Goldstein achieved all this because of his music scholarship to Tel Aviv University of Music in Israel when he was eighteen. Later, he completed his Bachelor and Master of Music degrees at Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida.
  • Technology might have impacted Goldstein in some ways. The internet most definitely would have helped him boost his career. He could have networked and gotten connections through the internet. Also, videos containing his music or his performances might have helped him get recognized easier.

Reflection: I think Goldstein’s success is admirable and it would be wise to look up to him and try to follow in his footsteps. The lesson I can learn from Goldstein is to broaden my horizons and don’t be afraid to do something I am not used to in the way that Goldstein has covered many genres from pop, to classical, to country.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Computer Science Innovations

Computer Science Innovations
  1. Internet, broadband, WWW (browser and html)
  2. PC/laptop computers
  3. Mobile phones
  4. Email
  5. DNA testing and sequencing/human genome mapping
  6. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  7. Microprocessors
  8. Fiber optics
  9. Office software (spreadsheets, word processors)
  10. Non-invasive laser/robotic surgery (laparoscopy)
  11. Open source software and services (e.g., Linux, Wikipedia)
  12. Light-emitting diodes
  13. Liquid crystal display (LCD)
  14. GPS systems
  15. Online shopping/ecommerce/auctions (e.g., eBay)
GPS, or Global Positioning System, is a global navigation system that utilizes satellites in order to map the globe and provide accurate data. GPS was originally exclusive to the government but in the 80s it became available to the public. GPS impacted the world in my opinion because everyone uses GPS in one way or another. Without GPS the military would have been less effective out in the field and less precise, resulting in more casualties and losses. Also, GPS is often used for emergency situations in which someone needs to be located quickly, and without GPS it would take a longer amount of time. Also, the common civilian use for GPS such as simple navigation, games, etc. definitely makes life easier and more enjoyable. I think that GPS is a wonderful innovation and I am grateful for its existence. There are many times that GPS has helped me in my life and I appreciate that.